Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Four Weeks Til MAYHEM

There are officially only four weeks left until Mayhem's big debut.

Four weeks until one of the biggest dreams I've ever had comes true.

And I just want to take this opportunity to share some things I've learned...

  1. Everyone reading this blog post right now is awesome.  Seriously.  The support I've gotten from friends, family, coworkers... it's all been amazing.  But the most surprising thing has been the support I've gotten from friends of friends, moms of friends, total strangers I've connected with through social media.  I never would have imagined I'd have so many people rooting for me, and it's been surprising and overwhelming in the best possible way.  You guys make me feel like a rock star.  I get excited hearing about how excited YOU are to read the book, and I can't wait to hear what you think when you finally get to.

  2. The publishing community is awesome.  Seriously.  My agent, my editor, all of the authors who've read the book or said that they want to, bloggers, avid readers -- EVERYONE.  I feel so privileged to be a part of this amazing circle full of all of these amazingly supportive people.  I'd heard that it was hard to break into the "cool kids club" once you get a publishing deal, but truly, everyone in the publishing community is a cool kid, and I love talking to each and every one of you.  Everyone has been so accepting and welcoming and out-of-their-way supportive... I love you guys, I really do.

  3. Publishing is so much more than writing.  Seriously.  It's deadlines (ugh) for first drafts, edits, copyedits, blurbs, etc.  It's legal issues and contracts.  It's stock-photo black holes and compromising on covers.  It's promotion -- SOOOO much promotion (networking, blog posts, social media, events, etc.).  It's one hell of a learning curve.  To put it plainly, it's a lot of work.  A lot of work.  You really have to love it.  And you have to have the time and discipline for it, because gone are the days when writers could be flighty space cadets who have no concept of time or obligation.  Being an author means managing your time and managing it well -- and not completely losing your mind while you're trying really hard to manage it.  And for me, personally, all of that hard work has already been more than worth it.

With four weeks left, I want to sincerely thank every single person who has preordered the book.  You guys are freaking awesome, and I can't wait to hear what you think of it when it comes out (in four weeks... FOUR WEEKS!!!).

And if you haven't placed your preorder(s) yet, here are some links to do so.  :)  (Paperbacks will be available within a month or so of each e-book release, but the e-books are cheap sooo... just get both!)

MAYHEM (Mayhem Series #1):
**Kindle --- http://www.amazon.com/Mayhem-Jamie-Shaw-ebook/dp/B00L1AJUKE
**B&N --- http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/mayhem-jamie-sh…/1119738861…

RIOT (Mayhem Series #2):
**Kindle --- www.amazon.com/Riot-Jamie-Shaw-ebook/dp/B00L1AJUKY
**B&N --- http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/riot-jamie-shaw/1120303519…

CHAOS (Mayhem Series #3):
**Kindle --- www.amazon.com/Unti-Jamie-Shaw-3-ebook/dp/B00N81I66I
**B&N --- http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/unti-jamie-shaw…/1120303520…

Friday, December 19, 2014

Title for Mayhem Book 3!

MAYHEM (1/20) has been sent off to the publisher... and RIOT (2/10) has been sent off to the publisher... which leaves only the third book in the Mayhem series, currently UNTITLED BOOK 3, for me to work on right now, and I figured one of the first things I should do is give this book a title!

Something that fits the plot.  Something that fits the theme of the series.  Something that would look cool as hell in that rock star font that's on the covers of my books.  ;)

So, without further ado...


CHAOS!!!  This title totally fits the book and fits my theme, but I'm not going to lie... the thing that sold me was how awesome it's going to look on the cover.  I'm almost halfway done writing it, and you are going to LOVE this heroine.  She's the definition of rock star chic, a girl who can hold her own against the sizzling hot guys in the band.  She grew up in a big family with four older brothers, which has made her a complete spitfire.  She's spunky and witty and... well, you'll see on July 21st when the book comes out.  ;)

MAYHEM releases in one month and one day (EEP), and RIOT releases three weeks later.  So get those, read them, love them, and then place your preorder for CHAOS because it's going to rock just as hard.  <3

Thursday, December 18, 2014

RIOT Style Sheet Gems

I'm finishing up my review of RIOT's copyedits tonight (woohoo! almost done!), and I thought of a great idea for a blog post....

How would you like to see some of the words that appear on my copyeditor's style sheet?  ;)  A style sheet is a running document that a copyeditor keeps to make sure certain grammar-related things are staying consistent throughout the book, and it includes a list of special words that should be spelled/hyphenated the same way each time.

Here are some of my favorites from RIOT:

  • badass
  • batshit crazy
  • dickhead
  • douchebag
  • douchey; douchiest
  • hand-cooties
  • man-whore
  • motherfucker
  • shit-faced
  • shit-ton
  • skeezy

I had to laugh as I was going through the list.  ....Because I'm a professional.  ;)

Plus.......................... douchey.  *insert professional giggling here*